Saturday, May 14, 2011

Crochet Snowflake

Crochet Snowflake

Technique: Crochet

Size 10 crochet thread

1.5mm crochet hook

The original pattern, and many more free snowflake patterns, can be found here


Print the above image out onto ordinary paper. Tape the piece of paper to a sheet of styrofoam. Tape a piece of baking paper or wax paper over the top of that. This creates a non stick blocking template. The above grid allows you to easily line up your snowflake spokes so they are symmetrical.

In a small bowl dilute a little white glue until it is the consistency of pouring cream. Saturate the snowflake and squeeze well to force out any excess. Make sure you are using rust free pins, and pin to your template. Give a sprinkle of glitter if you like, I like quite a bit as I use them on the tree and really makes them sparkle. Allow to dry for 24 hours and then remove the pins and peel away from the paper. You can re-use that printed template several times.


  1. Love it! And donating. What a great idea.

  2. I could not find this pattern at Snowcatcher but there are a lot of wonderful snowflakes to choose from.

  3. I have ms and my aunt died from als. Now my dad has als.

  4. Where is the pattern? I see the picture and the finishing instructions, but no pattern.

    1. Just below the photo and before the finishing instructions is a paragraph that says:

      "The original pattern, and many more snowflake patterns, can be found here at Snowcatcher..."

      As the pattern is not mine I have included the link to where you can get it and many more. They are all free. Enjoy :)

  5. I cannot find the pattern on snowcatcher website either.

  6. It's actually the Golden Anniversary Snowflake in the pattern directory. Omit the numbers and when you stiffen it just stretch out the ends of the branches.

  7. Could not find it either, when I did. click on snowflake All I got was more pictures and confusing instructions on how to make paper ones.

    1. The link to the Snowcatcher site is still current and takes you to the author's personal blog. She has since added a snowflake directory where you can see every pattern which you can find here.

  8. just wanted to say thank you for all the designs! I am a snowflake addict and will be going through your collection soon. I like that you stiffen with craft glue as I do. I use full strength glue for mine and the other secret that I would like to pass on is that when I am blocking, I block on waxed paper so that the glue beads up on the snowflake. I leave the tail a little longer rather than weaving it in and when the snowflake has cured under low heat I twist the tail off with no problems. <3 <3 :)

  9. Hi i don't know if you do news letters but if you do can i subscribe to it please

  10. Love all the patterns! Thank you so much!
